Winexpert: A Sale to Love

Winexpert: A Sale to Love

Winexpert: A Sale to Love

February 10,2014

In this newsletter

A Sale to LOVE


Tuesday to Friday: 11:00AM to 7:00PM

Saturday:10AM to 5pm

Closed Sunday and Monday.

We want to celebrate LOVE this week…LOVE of wine and also the people that we LOVE.

So from February 11-15, bring in a friend, co-worker or family member who has never made wine with us before and you will both get 15% off all regular price wine kits. YOU will also get a $10 coupon for the referral that you can use on your next batch of of wine.

The only restriction is that your loved one can’t live at your address 🙂


In the spirit of the season 🙂